[Westpac] Gift Card Bonus Cashback: 4% on Coles, 8% on David Jones ($25 Cap Per Transaction) @ ShopBack

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[Westpac] Gift Card Bonus Cashback: 4% on Coles, 8% on David Jones ($25 Cap Per Transaction) @ ShopBack

The full amount must be paid with your linked Westpac card.

Stack with Coles Gift Card: 3% Cashback on $50 & $100 (Was 1%) @ ShopBack.

Be sure to buy through the upsized listings, regular cashback is 1%.

The Coles Gift Card allows you to shop in all Coles Supermarkets and Coles Central stores nationwide.
This gift card can only be used in-store.

David Jones Gift Cards

Currently upsized to 6%. See 6% Cashback on David Jones Gift Cards @ ShopBack.

A David Jones gift card lets you explore an unparalleled portfolio of local and international brands. If you know a fashion lover, a David Jones gift card can help them stay on top of the latest trends. With a David Jones gift voucher you can find great fashion, beauty, home, electrical, and fine food products.

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