Sony XR75X90L 75″ Sony Refurb Second $1323.15 (Incl Postage)
Sony has applied some automated discounts to some of their refurbished models of Tv’s throughout some of their range on the Ebay page.
Upon checking this model had a $550 discount applied to the base price bringing it down to $1499 + postage. which can stack with the refurbished item discount code RFURBS15 which will bring the total down to $1323.15. Postage is $49 to my area but maybe more if you are remote or you may live in one of those mythical places, they claim to be free postage that no one has discovered yet.
Before someone asks about Tcl no the picture in the Tcl c855 is better but the hardware running the Sony is much better and faster, also if you can show me a 75″ c855 at this price we would be very interested.
Not sure how much stock is left but it says more than 10 available. I have already secured my orders.