Sony WF-C500W Truly Wireless Headphones – $39.60 + $5 Delivery @ The Good Guys eBay
Great price for the Sony WFC500W Truly Wireless Headphones at $44.60 including delivery from The Good Guys on eBay (With discount code PASUMMER applied).
Note that they will revert to $44.00 plus $5 delivery after 11th October, which is still a bargain.
They do come in Black as well, take a look here: https://www.ebay.com.au/itm/124960395526?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mk…
They were highly regarded by What Hifi Magazine (5 * Rated).
You won’t find them cheaper anywhere at the moment so get in there while you can.
Happy shopping!.
Excludes QLD Far North, WA Remote