[Refurbished] Starlink Hardware Kit $199 + $30 Delivery | Service $139/Month @ Starlink

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[Refurbished] Starlink Hardware Kit $199 + $30 Delivery | Service $139/Month @ Starlink

$139 per month for the Starlink Residential – Monthly cost, cannot pause.
ROAM 50GB $80 – Best for infrequent and individual travel with low usage – Monthly cost, can pause when not required. Ideally for camping/travelling.
ROAM Unlimited $195 (it’s just gone up from $174). – Best for RVers, campers, travelers, and working on the go – Monthly cost, can pause when not required. Ideally for camping/travelling.

When ordering, just select “Reburb.” The standard/New Kit is $549 RRP + $30 Delivery.

The word is that most refurb kits pretty much look new.

$199 Reburb Units whilst stocks last.

You need to sign up for the service. Activates when you setup Starlink or 30 days after delivery (whatever comes first).

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