PS5 Pro – $1198 with 10% Instantly Back in Harvey Norman Gift Cards. Today Only

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PS5 Pro - $1198 with 10% Instantly Back in Harvey Norman Gift Cards. Today Only

One day deal only. GC is only valid for a month. It’s not easy getting 10% off console prices, so this is ~$120 discount that can be used to buy games / peripherals. You should also be able to use already owned gift cards for the initial purchase.

Please don’t go off on rants about how Gerry drinks the blood of Satan, or nobody should ever pay this much for a gaming console. I’ve heard it all before but IF you are among those who want one of these it seems like a very solid deal to me. If you’re not in the market for one then that’s just fine, I really don’t need to hear all the reasons why.

The one reservation I do have is that stock levels seem a bit tricky to be 100% clear on. If you’re unlucky they may need to order the console in or get it delivered to you which would delay things by a day or two.

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