[Prime] Ultimate Ears Wonderboom 2 Portable Bluetooth Speaker $60 Delivered @ Amazon AU
RTings comparison with 3 model: https://www.rtings.com/speaker/tools/compare/ultimate-ears-w…
You may be able to get an additional $10 off via PRIME10X1 code redemption.
The 3 version may be available for $88 at some retailers (on clearance). I have had one for just over two years indoors and outdoors when working on the car in the garage, renovating indoors and cleaning outside and despite two high height accidental drops it is performs as new and battery holding strong.
Bing Lee: https://www.binglee.com.au/products/ultimate-ears-wonderboom…
JB Hi-Fi: https://www.jbhifi.com.au/products/ultimate-ears-wonderboom-…
Amazon: https://www.amazon.com.au/Ultimate-Ears-Wonderboom-Portable-…