[Prime] SABRENT USB-C 3.2 10Gbps Tool-Free NVMe SATA M.2 SSD Enclosure $26.99 Delivered @ Store4PC-AU Amazon AU
Prime day deal.
Yes, this is more expensive than most 10Gbps enclosures, such as from Orico. I do expect ppl to note in the comments that ‘x’ model from ‘y’ brand is cheaper, and just as good in terms of performance, and they will be correct in that respect.
But, I think the design of this enclosure is better compared to other brands/models.
Firstly, these allow very easy and quick swapping of m.2’s. You pop the end tab with a little force, and you then just swivel the top up. And while an m.2 usually take a little finessing to get it to hold on the rubber grommet, it’s a good design for fast drive swapping.
But the major advantage is that there is a proper thermal pad integrated into the top of the enclosure. And while some (most?) enclosures don’t even have a thermal pad (and suffer from throttling of the m.2’s), for others that do, they require a manual install of the pad on the drive during assembly.
This one doesn’t, and for me, that is a major convenience when working on my mine, and other ppl’s machines.
Anyway, this isn’t everyone’s cup of tea, but I believe this is an atl price, and it is a great price for a quality enclosure.
So for anyone that needs a convenient and fast method for m.2 drive swapping, this drive dock is an extremely good option.