[Prime] Crucial Pro DDR4-3200 32GB (2x16GB) Desktop DIMM $70.33 Delivered @ Amazon US via AU
The cheapest way to get 32GB (16GB x 2) with brand name modules! I have been watching DDR4 prices on Aamzon for a while.
These i believe are not CL16, from memory they are CL22 so slightly slower by an unperceivable amount during normal day to day use. Yes yes, i know, they are not faaaaast RAM modules, that is by design, these are not designed to be gamer modules, they are stable as F for office use.
Lowest price in the past 10 months according to Camelx3
Buy if it suits, if you wanna get gaming RAM, the Cosair Vengeance is good with 33% off deal @ $84.15 https://www.amazon.com.au/Corsair-Vengeance-PC4-25600-Deskto…