Pokemon TCG Paradox Clash Tins (2 Tins) $48.55 + $10 Delivery @ Gamology via MyDeal

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Pokemon TCG Paradox Clash Tins (2 Tins) $48.55 + $10 Delivery @ Gamology via MyDeal

Pair of Paradox clash tins for $48.55 with 5 boosters in each tin, price per pack is like less than $4 with all the discounts and cashback. Code FRENZY gets $10 off, minimum spend is $75 (covers the shipping cost). + Cashrewards are offering 18% cashback.

Decent packs in these tins aswell. Gameology is the seller on Mydeal so it should be all legitimate, their site also has these on sale for $45 + shipping.

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