Perfume: The Story of a Murderer (2006) Movie Available to Stream Now @ Lionsgate+ via Primevideo/Plex (Free with Ads)
I’m posting this because I started a 1 week Free trial of Lionsgate+ and found this movie again! it isn’t available anywhere else except with Ads on Plex (as shown on Justwatch AU ).
if you search for it on iPad TV app it doesn’t even show anything! 🧐
I recognized the title and couldn’t remember it because l wat ch ed it years ago. but after seeing the most glamourous moment of a woman giving birth in the first few minutes I know I will enjoy it (and did the first time seeing it as well).
Link to the movie on Plex (Free with Ads):
it’s 2 hours 30 minutes long so I would recommend a 1 week Free Trial of Lionsgate+ through Prime if you have it (better than a bunch of Ads on Plex for 2.5 hours).
I can also confirm when subbing and watching services through Prime and there are zero ads. I’ve done a few of these 1 week trials now.
- Jean-Baptiste Grenouille (Ben Whishaw) came into the world unwanted, expected to die, yet born with an unnerving sense of smell that created alienation, as well as talent. Of all of the smells around him, Grenouille is beckoned to the scent of a woman’s body, and spends the rest of his life attempting to smell her essence again by becoming a perfumer, and creating the essence of an innocence lost.
one more movie on Lionsgate+ that I liked and wanted to watch but couldn’t find anywhere else is Source Code (2011, SciFi).
(sorry link goes directly to Lionsgate+ Free Trial page on Primevideo, can’t find the direct link all the prime movie pages don’t mention Lionsgate and just show “Unavailable”)
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