Ortega Kitchen 12-Bottle Wine Rack 1 for $14.98, 2 for $11.98ea + Delivery (Free Delivery with OnePass) @ Catch

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Ortega Kitchen 12-Bottle Wine Rack 1 for $14.98, 2 for $11.98ea + Delivery (Free Delivery with OnePass) @ Catch

Don’t ask me how the math works.
The item is originally $29.95 with 50% off making it $14.98

The item also says “Buy 2 save 30%” which isn’t supposed to stack with other deals, however I gave it a spin and both discounts stack, presumably you’re saving an additional 30% off the RRP as well.

All I know is I bought 6 for $35.94 with free one pass shipping which is insanely cheap.

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