LG side by side fridge 664L GS-B599PL $1450 (RRP $1699)

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LG side by side fridge 664L GS-B599PL $1450 (RRP $1699)

Hi guys

Fridge busted last week and had to replace it
Wanted a big one for the family.

Took some time to work out which was the best one and wanted to share my results

Settled for the LG as it was best value & had the best review

My results are here

Reviews were taken from product review website which I find the most whingiest and most truthful compared to the ones that pull directly from the manufacturers website (which I find are more biased)


Just a reminder that after you’ve moved the fridge to NOT turn it on straight away. Give it 2-3 hours for the refrigerant to settle before turning it on

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