Bonus $5.00 Voucher with Minimum $5.00 Click & Collect Order @ Anaconda

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Bonus $5.00 Voucher with Minimum $5.00 Click & Collect Order @ Anaconda

Same deal as @ashmattic has posted but now extended

Minimum $5 spend. Receive a maximum of one voucher per day, per customer.

Subsequent Click & Collect orders placed on the same day will not qualify for a bonus $5 voucher.

Voucher is single-use only – one redemption per customer, per day. Voucher must be surrendered to receive discount. Includes sale items.

Excludes Gift Card purchases and existing lay-by payments. Not to be used in conjunction with any other voucher, coupon or team member discount. Offer ends 27th July, 2025.

I’ve also noticed similar deal for Spotlight

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