Akko V3 Matcha Green Pro 50gf actuation Linear Dustproof Stem switch (45pcs) $10.49 + delivery (Free w Prime) @ Akko via Amazon
normally $24.99 according to camel.
45 pack.
cheaper than previously posted similar green linear switch for $26.99 (V2 I think?).
other previously Akko switches posted:
• Crystal (Transparent) $13.01
I have been out of the r/MK community for a long time now so I have no idea about which switch is good.
just saw that keyboard post and thought this might interest users who just got into the hobby and are on a tight budget.
all I remember was at the time the appearance of the switch (colour) had very little to do whether if it was good or not. back then peoples just said avoid Cherry because they were scratchy.