30% off 1kg KaapiKaapi Roasted Coffee Beans: RIO/ARABICA $31.50, SENA $32.90 + Shipping ($0 SYD C&C/ $50 Order) @KaapiKaapico

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30% off 1kg KaapiKaapi Roasted Coffee Beans: RIO/ARABICA $31.50, SENA $32.90 + Shipping ($0 SYD C&C/ $50 Order) @KaapiKaapico

KaapiKaapi RIO Coffee Beans 1kg now $31.50 (was $44.99)
KaapiKaapi 100% Arabica Coffee Beans 1kg now $31.50 (was $44.99)
KaapiKaapi SENA Coffee Beans 1kg now $32.90 (was $46.99)
the kracked bean 100% biodegradable & home compostable coffee capsules. 60 pods now $32.34 (was $46.20)
Huskies in Bikinis Victorian Alps Blend Coffee Beans 1kg now $41.50 (was 57.50)
Huskies in Bikinis Snowy Mountains Blend Coffee Beans 1kg now $38.33 (was 54.75)
the kracked bean 100% Arabica Coffee Beans 1kg now $34.30 (was $48.99)

Why wait for Black Friday in Nov, when you can have 30% off right now on freshly roasted 1kg coffee beans & home compostable coffee pods.

KaapiKaapi’s early coffee pre-black-Friday Oct 24 sale is now live.

Check out more details at www.KaapiKaapi.com.au and use the check out code : preblackfriday to get 30% off.

Plus FREE DELIVERY over $50

Expertly Crafted. Lovingly Roasted. Small Batch Drum Roasted in Sydney.

Choice of 3 brands and several blends to choose from. Discover the magic of Colombia, Ethiopia, Brazil, India and more…

Believe in Better Coffee.

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