2.85mm ABS FDM 3D Print Filament – $5 Per kg Roll @ 3dPrinterGear.com.au – $10 Postage/Free over $150

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2.85mm ABS FDM 3D Print Filament - $5 Per kg Roll @ 3dPrinterGear.com.au - $10 Postage/Free over $150

I stumbled upon an unbeatable deal on ABS filament – the catch is it is 2.85mm NOT the current standard 1.75mm.

Stock level at time of posting:
1 roll left of green, lime green and pink.
11 Sky Blue
11 Teal
12 White.
34 Yellow

$10 postage or free over $150

Perfect for your old school 2.85mm print farm.

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