[PC] Tomato Jones – FREE @ IndieGala
HA Studio’s physics-based puzzle/adventure/RPG platformer game Tomato Jones is currently offered on IndieGala as a temporary freebie game.
- Tomato Jones is normally priced at A$7.50 on Steam.
- The exact end date of IndieGala’s freebie promotion for Tomato Jones is unknown, but typically these last for a few days.
Trailer(s) & Video Clip(s):
Game Description:
It’s just a red tomato with a silly hat. He tries to look like a cool tomb raider, rolling and jumping all over the maps.
Help him find all the treasures in the mystic castle, or watch him meet a variety of painful fates.
Tomato Jones is a physics-based puzzle/adventure game that combines classic RPG platforming with the skill-driven style of ball-rolling games. Your goal is to collect all the coins and the hidden golden artifact at the end of each level while avoiding various dangerous traps, obstacles, and enemies.
The game captures the spirit of “Indiana Jones” movies while aiming to be as funny and humorous as possible.
- 20 beautiful and challenging levels
- Great-looking “soft body” tomato physics
- New approach to camera movement and viewing angles
- Fun soundtrack and sound effects
- Super cool gameplay
- Tons of ketchup
- And hey.. you can also drive mine carts! 😉