US$2 off US$19, US$5 off US$39, US$10 off US$79, US$20 off US$159, US$30 off US$239, US$40 off US$349 Spend @ AliExpress

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Deal Score0
US$2 off US$19, US$5 off US$39, US$10 off US$79, US$20 off US$159, US$30 off US$239, US$40 off US$349 Spend @ AliExpress

Kicking off from 7pm AEDT on March 1st is the AliExpress Choice “Blooming Sale” with these codes that’ll apply on Choice banner products and hopefully everything else.

Each coupon is 1 per account and they won’t stack with the new user “Welcome Offer”. Due to the 3G shutdown in Australia and phones being wrongfully blocked you may not be able to apply the coupon codes when attempting to purchase a phone on AliExpress.

The minimum spend excludes GST and shipping.

Discount (US$) Min Spend (US$) Discount (AU$) Min Spend (AU$) Coupon Code
US$2 US$19 AU$3 AU$30 AUAF03
US$5 US$39 AU$9 AU$69 AUAF09
US$10 US$79 AU$16 AU$129 AUAF16
US$20 US$159 AU$30 AU$239 AUAF30
US$30 US$239 AU$50 AU$399 AUAF50
US$40 US$349 AU$60 AU$529 AUAF60
US$50 US$439 AU$80 AU$699 AUAF80

For those paying in USD this is how you get the correct exchange rate in PayPal:

Setting overseas websites to AUD or letting PayPal do the currency conversion results in an inflated rate. To get the correct rate you need a card without international fees and do the following:

  • Set the website currency to USD
  • Checkout with PayPal
  • Select your card with no international fees
  • Click “See currency options”
  • Select USD to bill the card in USD instead of AUD
  • Proceed with checkout

Now you’ll get the correct MasterCard or VISA exchange rate depending on the card.

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