Samsung T7 Shield Portable 4TB SSD $337 Delivered @ Catch.com.au
$347 @ Catch.com.au. https://www.catch.com.au/product/samsung-4tb-portable-t7-shi…
Credit to ayoole! Further 10% OFF code: FURTHER10
The only ‘catch’ is that Catch.com.au is closing down soon. Since the SSD is from digiDirect, I’d assume you might be able to contact them for warranty issues?
Specs: https://www.samsung.com/au/memory-storage/portable-ssd/t7-sh…
OW (Officeworks): https://www.officeworks.com.au/shop/officeworks/p/samsung-4t…
T7 shield is TLC in case anyone needed to know.
QLC vs. TLC: https://www.reddit.com/r/buildapc/comments/b9j2jh/qlc_vs_tlc…