Referee Gets $20 off Minimum $120 Order, Referrer Gets $20 Worth in Points after Referee Qualifies @ BSC Science

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Referee Gets $20 off Minimum $120 Order, Referrer Gets $20 Worth in Points after Referee Qualifies @ BSC Science

Seems no posts regarding Body science referral and reward program.

Basically, if an existing user could send a referral link to a non-register email address, then the new email address will getting an instant $20 discount code can be applied for goods over $120. And technically, the existing user could get a $20 worth of points as well.

Seems like a loop hole to me, not trying to take an advantage to the program and I do think BSC’s reward program is pretty good compare with other gym supplement sites, DYOR but if you are a new user it is a no brainer to take advantage of this $20 off code which can also be applied for sale items as well.

okay enjoy:)

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