GMMK Pro pre-built keyboard $238 + delivery ($0 Prime) – Amazon US + Glorious sale

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GMMK Pro pre-built keyboard $238 + delivery ($0 Prime) - Amazon US +  Glorious sale

Glorious sale on Amazon Au / US including:

GMMK Pro Pre-built black which includes wristrest and aviator cable – $238 was $340 approx. Probably lowest ever.

GMMK Pro bare bones silver $128 Amazon Au delivered – only two left. Lowest ever.

Glorious Model O Minus mouse – $39.50

Various other mice and Glorious Keycaps. The polychroma keycaps are unique and must also be ATL or close to.

White pudding keycaps – Aura V2 $27

Check the Glorious store for more.

It’s cool to hate on the original GMMK Pro keyboard. You probably can get better for the same money, but a lot of people also rate it and at this price, it’s great. I think it’s still one of the better looking keyboards after all these years too.
Wired only. Aluminium plate.
A realistic review:
Play the Song.

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