$15 Cashback with $30 Min Spend @ Uber Eats, 10% Back (Up to $10) @ Special Gift Cards with 28 Degrees Mastercard
Spend $30 or more in a single transaction on your Latitude 28 Degrees Mastercard by 27 Nov 2024 to qualify. Offer limited to 1 cashback transaction(s). Offer valid online. Cashback paid into your account within 14 days. Offer cannot be used in conjunction with any other offer. Cashback won’t be applied if you switch the card used to pay after the order has been placed. Offer valid for orders made within Australia, in AUD.
Get $5 cashback when you spend $15 or more at The Reject Shop.
Get 10% cashback (up to $10) when you spend $1 or more at Special Gift Cards.
Get $100 cashback when you spend $1,000 or more at Carnival.