10% off Uber, Uber Eats, The Gift Of Fun (Timezone, Kingpin, Zone Bowling) & Temple & Webster eGift Cards @ Giftz

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10% off Uber, Uber Eats, The Gift Of Fun (Timezone, Kingpin, Zone Bowling) & Temple & Webster eGift Cards @ Giftz

*Offer is available to Residents of Australia. Offer runs from 9am AEDT 30/01/2025 to 04/02/25 11.59pm AEDT. During offer period, spend any value on the Qualifying Gift Cards at giftz.com.au and receive 10% off the value of the total Qualifying Gift Card purchase amount by entering the valid promo code at checkout. Valid promo codes: SUMMER. Maximum purchase value per order $2500, maximum quantity per order of 10 cards. Offer can be enjoyed multiple times per person during the offer period. Qualifying Gift Cards: Temple & Webster, The Gift of Fun (Timezone, Kingpin and Zone Bowling). ^Offer is available to Residents of Australia. Offer runs from 9am AEDT 30/01/2025 to 04/02/25 11.59pm AEDT or until promotional stock runs out ($100,000 of promotional sales), whichever comes first (Promotion Period). During offer period, spend any value on the Qualifying Gift Cards at giftz.com.au and receive 10% off the value of the total Qualifying Gift Card purchase amount by entering the valid promo code at checkout. Valid promo codes: UBER. Maximum purchase value per order $2500, maximum quantity per order of 10 cards. Offer can be enjoyed multiple times per person during the offer period. Qualifying Gift Cards: Uber, Uber Eats. #Offer is available to Residents of Australia.

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